Lavished In Lilies Bouquet

Lavished In Lilies Bouquet

$255.00 Grand Total
Grand Total

Luxurious and and lovely, this deluxe bouquet lavishes with love! Pure white oriental lilies shine amidst, luxe lavender roses, light pink alstroemeria, lavender carnations and light pink stock. This all-around centerpeice is artistically arranged with huckleberry and dusty miller. Delivered in a grand glass vase to be treasured forever!

  • Approximate Size: 25 1/2"h x 22 1/2"w
  • Item No. T601-5C

  • We put a hold on your credit card for the order amount and only charge you when the recipient accepts the flowers
  • Orders to the United States are charged in $US, orders to Canada are charged in $CA
  • We accept credit cards and cryptocurrency as forms of payment

  • Your flowers are hand-delivered by a local florist
  • Delivery is available in the United States and Canada
  • Orders can be delivered Monday to Saturday
  • Items featured may vary depending upon availability


Luxurious and and lovely, this deluxe bouquet lavishes with love! Pure white oriental lilies shine amidst, luxe lavender roses, light pink alstroemeria, lavender carnations and light pink stock. This all-around centerpeice is artistically arranged with huckleberry and dusty miller. Delivered in a grand glass vase to be treasured forever!

  • Approximate Size: 25 1/2"h x 22 1/2"w
  • Item No. T601-5C

  • We put a hold on your credit card for the order amount and only charge you when the recipient accepts the flowers
  • Orders to the United States are charged in $US, orders to Canada are charged in $CA
  • We accept credit cards and cryptocurrency as forms of payment

  • Your flowers are hand-delivered by a local florist
  • Delivery is available in the United States and Canada
  • Orders can be delivered Monday to Saturday
  • Items featured may vary depending upon availability


Your Order

  • Lavished In Lilies Bouquet

    Lavished In Lilies Bouquet


Grand Total
Includes delivery and tax.
Recipient and Delivery Information

Enter the recipient info you have. We contact them and ask them to provide a delivery address and to choose a date to receive the flowers.

We will provide you with a "You've Got Flowers" link that you send to the recipient through social media to accept the flowers

Recipient Address

Signature and Message
Your Social Flowers Account
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Billing Information
There is no charge on this order. It is paid by your credits.
Pay by Crypto

Click here to Preview Order

Item Information
  • Lavished In Lilies Bouquet

    Lavished In Lilies Bouquet


Grand Total
Includes delivery and tax.
Recipient and Delivery Information
Recipient Name:
Recipient Contact Info:
Message to Recipient:
Flower Delivery Address:
Delivery Date:
Your Name On Order:
(as shown to recipient)
Card Message:
Billing Information
Payment Method:
Item Name:
Lavished In Lilies Bouquet
Grand Total:
Item Information
  • Lavished In Lilies Bouquet

    Lavished In Lilies Bouquet


Grand Total
Includes delivery and tax.