Flower Delivery in Saint Louis Made Easy


Trusted Local Florist

Fresh flowers are hand-delivered. More.


Anywhere in Saint Louis

Send flowers to hospitals, funeral homes and hotels


Unsure of Delivery Details?

Have your recipient help you. More.

Best Sellers


Funeral & Sympathy

Get Well



FAQs: Flower Delivery in Saint Louis

  • How can Social Flowers help me simplify flower delivery in Saint Louis?

    We offer the option of sending flowers the traditional way-just provide the delivery address. Or, embrace a modern twist where your recipient accepts the flowers online and helps fill in any details you might be missing.

    You can choose to send real flowers with just their:

    The recipient receives a 'You've Got Flowers' link and they provide the delivery address and choose a date to receive your flowers.

  • What are the benefits of sending flowers using their email or mobile number?

    Your recipient helps you by:

    Providing the Delivery Address

    • No need to worry if you don't have their address on hand or if they've recently moved.
    • Unsure where the flowers should go-home, work, hospital, or funeral home? Let them decide.

    Choosing When to Receive the Flowers

    • When are they at home?
    • When do they want to receive the flowers?
    • Instead of you guessing, the recipient can help by choosing a date that is convenient for them

    Making It Risk Free

    • If they don't accept the flowers, you don't pay!
    • Perfect for uncertain deliveries to hospitals, funeral homes, hotels, or even surprise dates.

    Providing Other Info You Don't Have

    Photo and Video Sharing

    • Your recipient can share photos and videos of the flowers they received.
    • We send those pictures to you, to let you know you were successful in connecting with them through your gift of flowers.

    To send flowers using the recipient’s email address or mobile number, at checkout, under the heading ‘Flower Delivery Address’, select ‘Provided by Recipient’.

  • What hospitals in Saint Louis does Social Flowers deliver flowers to?

    We deliver flowers to all local hospitals including the ones listed below.

    When you buy flowers from us, you can provide the hospital address and patient information. Alternatively, you can send flowers using their email or mobile number see how your recipient can help simplify your thoughtful gift of get well flowers to a hospital.

    St Louis Children's Hospital
    Hawthorn Child Psych Hospital
    St Louis University Hospital
    Lutheran Medical Center
    St Mary's Health Center
    Bethesda General Hospital
    St Louis Reg Medical Center
    St Louis State Hospital Complex
    St Anthonys Medical Center
    Missouri Baptist Medical Center
    Cardinal Glennon Childrn Hospital
    Shriners Hospital
    Veterans Affairs Medical Center
    Incarnate Word Hospital
    Deaconess Medical Center-Central
    Christian Hospital Ne-Nw
    Des Peres Hospital
    Malcolmb Bliss Health Center
    Vencor Hospital-St Louis
    Barnes Hospital At Washington Un
    Alexian Brothers Hospital
    Barnes West County Hospital
    Barnes Jewish Hosptial
    St Louis Children's Hospital
    Hawthorn Child Psych Hospital
    St Louis University Hospital
    Lutheran Medical Center
    St Mary's Health Center
    Bethesda General Hospital
    St Louis Reg Medical Center
    St Louis State Hospital Complex
    St Anthonys Medical Center
    Missouri Baptist Medical Center
    Cardinal Glennon Childrn Hospital
    Shriners Hospital
    Veterans Affairs Medical Center
    Incarnate Word Hospital
    Deaconess Medical Center-Central
    Christian Hospital Ne-Nw
    Des Peres Hospital
    Malcolmb Bliss Health Center
    Vencor Hospital-St Louis
    Barnes Hospital At Washington Un
    Alexian Brothers Hospital
    Barnes West County Hospital
    Barnes Jewish Hosptial
  • What funeral homes in Saint Louis does Social Flowers deliver flowers to?

    We deliver flowers to all local funeral homes including the ones listed below.

    At checkout, you can provide the funeral home address and other visitation details if you have them. Alternatively, you can send using their email or mobile number and allow your recipient to help make it easy for you to send flowers to the funeral home.

    Clark & Sons Funeral Chapel
    Kutis Funeral Home
    Kriegshauser Mortuaries
    Greater Providence Funeral Home
    Calvin F Feutz Funeral Home
    Hoffmeister South County Chpl
    Officer Funeral Home Ellis
    Wade Funeral Home
    Hoffmeister Mortuaries
    E B Koonce
    John L Ziegenhein Funeral Home
    Ambruster Donnelly Funeral Home
    Ted Foster & Sons
    Bruce Funeral Home
    Lowe's Funeral Home
    Valhalla Cemetery Crematory Co
    Howard H Michel Funeral Home
    John L Ziegenhein & Sons
    Calcuterra Funeral Home Inc
    Forever Enterprises
    Kutis Funeral Home Inc
    J B Smith Schumacher Chapel
    A L Beal Mortuaries
    Wade Twin Chapels
    Chulick Funeral Home
    Woodson Funeral Home Inc
    Gebken-Benz Mortuary
    Halbert Funeral Home
    Berger Memorial
    Lupton Chapel
    Buchholz Mortuaries Inc
    Kriegshauser Bros Funeral Service
    Austin A Layne Mortuary
    Eddie Randle & Sons Funeral Home
    Whitfield & James Mortuary
    John Stygar & Sons Chapel
    Southern Funeral Home
    Limar & Walker Funeral Home
    Ronald L Jones Funeral Chapels
    Shepard Funeral Chapel
    Hoffmeister Broadway
    Schnur Funeral Home
    Price Funeral Home
    Professional Funeral Director
    Mayer Funeral Home Inc
    Radford Funeral Home
    O'sullivan-Muckle Mortuary
    Anatomy Transporting Cremation
    Kriegshauser Mortuaries
    Kutis Funeral Home Inc
    Drehmann Harral Chapel
    William Smith Funeral Home
    John L Ziegenhein & Sons
    Jeff Mc Clendon Funeral Home
    Archway Funeral Home Inc
    Cunningham & Moore Funeral Home
    Jay B Smith Funeral Home
    Fey Funeral Home Inc
    C W Roberts Undertaking Co
    Math Hermann & Son
    Reliable Funeral Home
    Rindskopf Roth Funeral Chapel
    Hoffmeister Mortuary
    Beiderwieden Mortuary
    Hosea Gales-Atkins Home-fnrls
    Math Hermann & Son
    Leroy Wilson & Co Funeral Home
    Moydell Funeral Home
    Foster-Watson Mortuary
    Mc Laughlin Funeral Home Inc
    Clark & Sons Funeral Chapel
    Kutis Funeral Home
    Kriegshauser Mortuaries
    Greater Providence Funeral Home
    Calvin F Feutz Funeral Home
    Hoffmeister South County Chpl
    Officer Funeral Home Ellis
    Wade Funeral Home
    Hoffmeister Mortuaries
    E B Koonce
    John L Ziegenhein Funeral Home
    Ambruster Donnelly Funeral Home
    Ted Foster & Sons
    Bruce Funeral Home
    Lowe's Funeral Home
    Valhalla Cemetery Crematory Co
    Howard H Michel Funeral Home
    John L Ziegenhein & Sons
    Calcuterra Funeral Home Inc
    Forever Enterprises
    Kutis Funeral Home Inc
    J B Smith Schumacher Chapel
    A L Beal Mortuaries
    Wade Twin Chapels
    Chulick Funeral Home
    Woodson Funeral Home Inc
    Gebken-Benz Mortuary
    Halbert Funeral Home
    Berger Memorial
    Lupton Chapel
    Buchholz Mortuaries Inc
    Kriegshauser Bros Funeral Service
    Austin A Layne Mortuary
    Eddie Randle & Sons Funeral Home
    Whitfield & James Mortuary
    John Stygar & Sons Chapel
    Southern Funeral Home
    Limar & Walker Funeral Home
    Ronald L Jones Funeral Chapels
    Shepard Funeral Chapel
    Hoffmeister Broadway
    Schnur Funeral Home
    Price Funeral Home
    Professional Funeral Director
    Mayer Funeral Home Inc
    Radford Funeral Home
    O'sullivan-Muckle Mortuary
    Anatomy Transporting Cremation
    Kriegshauser Mortuaries
    Kutis Funeral Home Inc
    Drehmann Harral Chapel
    William Smith Funeral Home
    John L Ziegenhein & Sons
    Jeff Mc Clendon Funeral Home
    Archway Funeral Home Inc
    Cunningham & Moore Funeral Home
    Jay B Smith Funeral Home
    Fey Funeral Home Inc
    C W Roberts Undertaking Co
    Math Hermann & Son
    Reliable Funeral Home
    Rindskopf Roth Funeral Chapel
    Hoffmeister Mortuary
    Beiderwieden Mortuary
    Hosea Gales-Atkins Home-fnrls
    Math Hermann & Son
    Leroy Wilson & Co Funeral Home
    Moydell Funeral Home
    Foster-Watson Mortuary
    Mc Laughlin Funeral Home Inc
  • What hotels in Saint Louis do you deliver flowers to?

    We deliver flowers to all local hotels.

    When you place your order online, you can provide the hotel address and room number if you have it. Alternatively, you can send using their email or mobile number and allow your recipient to simplify sending your gift of flowers to a hotel and ensure they arrive at the perfect time and place.

  • Is same-day delivery still available in Saint Louis?

    Yes. You have 4 hours 30 minutes to place your order for same-day delivery.

    1pm in the recipient's time zone is the cutoff for same-day. We generally need 4 to 5 hours to deliver flowers but please place your order as soon as possible to allow us enough time.

    When sending flowers the same-day:

    • Please place your order as soon as possible to allow us enough time
    • Provide the recipient's delivery address to speed up the delivery.
    • When using email or text, same-day delivery is possible and often occurs, but please remember that your recipient needs to accept the flowers first.
  • How do I place an order?

    Place your order here at SocialFlowers.com. You can provide the delivery address or use the recipient's email address or mobile number and have them choose where and when to receive the flowers.

    We accept the following credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express & Discover and also cryptocurrency.

  • What happens after I place an order?

    If you provide the delivery address, the order is fulfilled by our preferred local florist.

    If you place an order using the email and mobile number of a family member, they will receive an email and text from us.

    If you place an order using the email and mobile number, your recipient will receive an email and text from us.

    When they provide the delivery address and choose a date to receive your flowers, our order is to our preferred local florist for fulfillment. If they do not accept the delivery you are not charged.

    If you need help with your order, reply to the email, text, or call us. Our phone number is 1-888-441-4215 and is included in your order confirmation messages.

    We take customer service seriously and typically read all messages within 5 minutes and respond to urgent inquiries within 30 minutes, and answer the phones often without wait times. Our business hours are 9 AM to 5 PM Eastern Time, Monday through Saturday.

  • What is the cost for delivery?

    We believe in pricing transparency. The price shown for a flower arrangement is the total price - including delivery and tax. There are no additional charges at checkout.

    If you send your order by email or text, and the recipient does not accept, you will not be charged. If your flowers are not delivered, you will receive a full refund.

  • How are my flowers delivered?

    We work with best local florists nationwide to ensure your flowers are delivered with care and quality. Our florist is selected based on their proven track record with us and the quality of their work as seen through pictures and reviews. We regularly review and adjust our partnerships to maintain the highest standards.

    If you'd prefer to order directly through our local florist, please reach out to us, and we'll provide you with their contact information. Keep in mind that their offerings and policies may differ from ours. For example, we are the only service that we know of which allows you to send flowers by email and text.

  • Can I see a picture of the flowers that are delivered?

    We invite recipients to capture the moment by sharing photos and videos of their flowers and earn credits for both of you towards a future order. They can send them directly to you, and, or they can choose to share them with you through us.

    Our proof is in the pictures and smiles of happy recipients! Take a look at our reviews of flower delivery and words of our customers on our Instagram and TikTok.

    This sharing lets you as the sender see that your flowers were received and delivered the heartfelt message you intended-making that special connection through the gift of flowers.

    We also use pictures and videos like this to continually ensure the quality of our florists and we give you credits for helping us do so.

  • Tell me about Social Flowers.

    Social Flowers was founded in 2007 to reinvent flower delivery.

    Recognizing that most people lack an address book or contact list, we help you send real flowers to anyone with just an email address, mobile number, or social media connection.

    Every order is more than just a transaction, it represents a heartfelt connection. We care about the flowers we deliver and the lives we touch.

    Read more about Social Flowers.