So you went on a date, and things went well, really well! At the end of the date, you told her you had fun, and maybe you even kissed her. You think about her a lot and can't wait to see her again. 

Flower DeliveryYou could text her and say something like, "I had a great time; we should do something again soon." That's a nice gesture; she will be happy to receive it, but it lacks a "wow" factor. Want to really make an impression? Send her some flowers.

Flowers help build a connection, and sending them to her after a date will make her feel special and let her know that you want to keep seeing her. It removes any doubts and doesn't leave her wondering if you are going to text again. Many women have never received flowers, especially the fresh-cut, florist-delivered flowers that Social Flowers offers. It will help show her you are a great guy who not only likes her but is thoughtful and kind.


Timing: After a Date is the Best Time to Give Her Flowers

There are numerous reasons why flowers work better after a date than before or during a date:

  • It is much less awkward. While most women love flowers, not all of them enjoy being the center of attention. They might be overwhelmed or embarrassed if you give them flowers in public.
  • If you don't know her well before the date, you probably don't know if she likes flowers. You could bring up flowers on your date to get a sense of how she feels about them. If you walk by a place with flowers, just casually say something like, "Those tulips are beautiful," and watch her reaction.
  • What does she do with them after you give them to her? She has to hold on to them for the rest of the date. Imagine what it would be like for her if you were going to a concert or out dancing. Even if you are just going for dinner, where does she put them during dinner? If you are out for a few hours, they need to be in a vase. And if they are already in a vase, they are even harder to carry around.
  • How will she get them home at night? If one of you is driving, this isn't an issue, but what if she is walking home or taking public transit?

Social Flowers can solve all of these problems! She gets to choose when and where the flowers are delivered. Don't know her address? No problem. With Social Flowers, you don't need an address, and you can send them to her as long as you have her mobile or email, if you're connected on dating apps or social media.

Happy Couple

Which Date Do I Give Flowers After?

There isn't a definitive answer for this because there are a lot of factors involved, but there are some guidelines you can follow:

First Date: 

This can be seen as too soon. Sending flowers before you know someone well adds unwanted pressure, especially if the date was a simple meet-up for a quick walk or coffee. That said, there can be exceptions. 

If you planned to meet for a quick coffee but things went so well that your planned one-hour date turned into six hours because neither of you wanted it to end, sending her flowers the next day might be perfect. Make sure to include a note telling her you had an amazing time and are excited to see her again!

Second Date:

It's similar to the first date, but there will be more exceptions. You are still just getting to know each other, and if you don't know each other that well, it's probably too soon. However, if there is good chemistry, great conversation, and a positive vibe between the two of you, sending her flowers is a great way to show her you are interested in and appreciate her.

Third or Fourth Date:

By this time, you have gotten to know each other, and something has likely started to develop. You probably know her personality well enough to know if she will appreciate them, so go for it. If you already have plans to go out again, attach a note that says something like, "I'm really looking forward to seeing you at … on Saturday." Or, if you don't have plans, attach a note that lets her know how much you enjoy spending time with her and that you are looking forward to seeing her in the future.

Subsequent Dates:

Maybe you are two months into the relationship, and you just learned that she really likes flowers, or you haven't thought of sending them yet. It's never too late! You definitely don't need a reason or have to wait for a special occasion. Just think of how happy she will be (and how much she will appreciate you) when she receives a beautiful bouquet.

Things to Consider Before Giving Flowers After a Date

  • Does she like flowers? Most women love them, but some might find them excessive. Find out if she likes them, and even better, find out which types she likes.
  • Can you tell that she is really into you? If so, it's probably a good time to send them. If not, she may think you are being too forward.
  • Trust your gut! If giving her flowers after a date feels right to you, it's probably a great time to send them, and you will be seen as thoughtful and genuine.