Whether you're new to dating or have been at it a while, the thought has probably crossed your mind: "When is the perfect time to give flowers to a date?" If you are having a hard time deciding, that's because there isn't a simple answer that works for everyone. If you are unsure, we are here to help!

Does Your Date Like Flowers?

Woman with FlowersFirst, you must figure out if your date likes flowers! Most women love receiving flowers. It's a romantic, memorable gesture that creates a connection, and you will be seen as thoughtful, caring, and classy. But there are some women (definitely the minority) who don't love flowers. They may think they are impractical, old-fashioned, or "too much" (especially on the first date). She might even be allergic. So how do you find out if she likes flowers?

There are a few ways:

  • Pay attention to how she reacts when she sees flowers (in person, book, or movie).
  • If you are friends on social media, look at her profile. Has she posted pictures of flowers in the past?
  • Does she have flowers in her house or her garden? 
  • Ask a mutual friend. If you have friends in common, ask them how they think your date would react to receiving flowers.
  • Bring up flowers in a conversation. Casually mention some flowers you saw somewhere (at work, a wedding, on a walk) and see how she reacts. Just say something like, "Someone sent flowers to a girl I work with today. They were beautiful and really made her day!"

OK, so now you know your date loves flowers. Great! But there are still some things to consider:

What Kind of Date is It?

Flowers can be a nice touch if you go on a formal date, like a nice restaurant. Some might see giving flowers as a little over the top if it's a casual date, like going for a walk or having a coffee. If you are going on an active date, like a hike, bringing flowers just isn't practical. 

Does She Want the Attention?

Some women don't mind receiving flowers in a public place or enjoy the attention it brings. Others don't want to be the center of attention and find it embarrassing. They may love flowers but don't love the attention they bring and would instead just admire them at home. If this is the case, or if you don't know her well enough yet to decide, send her Social Flowers and let her choose where (and when!) to receive them.

Is it Practical to Bring Flowers on a Date?

Even if she loves flowers and doesn't mind the attention, how practical is bringing flowers on a date?  You have to ask yourself, "What will she do with them on the date?" If you plan to go to a concert or out dancing, this is a problem. If the date is a nice dinner, this could work, but remember that if you are out for more than a few hours, she will need to put them in a vase. If the flowers already come in a vase, it is even harder for her to carry them around. If she walks home or takes public transit, will she want to carry them home?

So now you know she loves flowers, doesn't mind receiving them in public, and they aren't going to be a burden to carry around.

The Best Time to Give Flowers to a Date:

  • Before the date! This one is often overlooked but is perfect in so many ways. Sending her flowers before the date shows you are thoughtful and serious about her. It builds anticipation and makes her excited about the date. Bonus: You don't have to think about whether she will be embarrassed about receiving them in public, and she won't have to carry them around during the date.
  • Picking her up at her house. Imagine her face when she opens the door and sees a beautiful bouquet. Your date will be off to a great start, and she can leave them at home so she doesn't have to worry about carrying them around. Even if she is coming to your place for dinner, a bouquet of roses on your table makes the house look great. If she comments on them, you can always say, "Thanks, I bought them for you."
  • Dinner at her (or your!) house. If she is making you dinner, you should bring flowers (and a bottle of wine!). It shows you appreciate the effort, and she will have something to remember you after you go home. 
  • Start of a date away from her house: if you have an appropriate place to give them to her when you meet, it starts the date in a positive way and could even be a conversation starter.
  • The end of a date: If you can keep them in a place like your car, ending the date with flowers is a thoughtful way to end the date and let her know you had a good time.
  • The day after the date. So your date went really well. You are thinking about her, and she is probably thinking about you. You can text her something nice, but if you really want to make a great impression, send her a beautiful bouquet. Don't have her address? With Social Flowers, you don't need her address!

Here are some more things to consider for some unique situations.

Should I Give Her Flowers on the First Date?Flower surprise

Giving her flowers on the first date can be a sweet gesture. It shows you have put some thought and effort into the date; it can be seen as romantic and, if well received, can start the date on a great note. However, for some, it may be overwhelming and add pressure, especially if she thinks the first date is a very casual way to get to know someone. If you know your date well enough and think she would appreciate flowers, go for it! If unsure, wait until you can get to know her better.

To Get a Date on a Dating App

The online dating world is a crowded place. On average, guys get one match out of 40 likes. Girls get a match every second like! So even when you match, you need a way to stand out from your competition. Sending her flowers will definitely help you stand out. You won't have her address, but with Social Flowers, that isn't a problem. You can just send her a link in the messages. If she doesn't accept the flowers? You know she isn't interested, and you don't have to pay!

Cultural Expectations Around Dating and Flowers

There are a lot of countries where flowers are a big part of the dating culture and may even be expected on the first date. In other countries, giving flowers on a date is less common. If your date is a very traditional woman, you should do a little bit of research to find out what her expectations might be.

So when is the best time to give flowers to a date? It really depends on the person you are dating and the situation. We hope these guidelines help. Regardless of the timing, ensure that the flowers are fresh and thoughtfully chosen.

The Social Flowers Solution

Some women love receiving flowers on a date, but if they don't or if you are unsure, Social Flowers solves a lot of the problems listed above:

  • She chooses when and where to receive the flowers, so you never have to worry about her being embarrassed, carrying them around in public, or getting them home.
  • You can send them before or after a date, even if you don't know her address.
  • If she doesn't accept the flowers, you know she either doesn't like them or thinks they are inappropriate, and you don't have to pay for them!