At Social Flowers we prioritize privacy and give you flexibility when you send or receive flowers. Choose your identity, keep your address confidential, or even choose to have the card message say from ‘Anonymous’ or ‘Secret Admirer’. Experience the gift of flowers without any worries, knowing your privacy is protected.


Choose Your Identity


You always have complete control over your identity - whether you are sending or receiving flowers. Use a pseudonym, your first name, or your full given name - the choice is yours. You determine your identity and what is shared in the flower delivery process.


  • Receive flowers under a pseudonym
  • Accept flowers under that name or your given name
  • Use our 'Additional Privacy' feature to edit out a pseudonym on card that is delivered with the flowers
  • Receive flowers safely, at your home, or even a hotel when traveling


  • Send flowers with disclosing your full name
  • You choose a field called "Your Name on This Order"
  • Use a pseudonym, partial name or your given name
  • The recipient sees this name when they accept flowers using the 'You've Got Flowers' link
  • You decide how you sign the card that accompanies the flowers

Keep Your Address Confidential

Map Pin

Your privacy is our priority when it comes to flower delivery. When we request your address, it's kept confidential and only used for delivery. Both parties get to enjoy the experience of flowers without the worry of disclosing private information such as your address.


  • Your address is only used to deliver flowers and never shared with the sender
  • Receive flowers at your home, a hotel, or anywhere in the United States and Canada


  • Your address is not requested when you provide a credit card, only a zip code

Send Flowers Truly Anonymously


You can choose to send flowers and have your name displayed as 'Anonymous' or 'Secret Admirer'. Provide the delivery address or embrace the modern way and 'send anonymous flowers with consent' using email or mobile


  • You decide a field called "Your Name on This Order"
  • Choose 'Anonymous', 'Secret Admirer', or something else
  • The recipient sees this name when they accept flowers using the 'You've Got Flowers' link
  • You also decide how you sign the card that accompanies the flowers
  • Provide a Delivery Address
    • Provide the delivery address of the recipient if you have it
  • Send Anonymously With Consent
    • Flowers can be sent using an email address or mobile
    • We message the recipient letting them know you sent flowers
    • The recipient is agreeing to receive flowers that were sent anonymously
    • You don't pay if they don't accept


  • Choose to accept or decline flowers from anonymous senders sent by email or mobile